The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link(NES)
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 8
Sounds: 7
Storyline: 5
Enjoyment: 9
The Legend of Zelda 2. One of the most anticipated video game releases, Zelda 2
was a disappointment to many because of the side scrolling nature of the game.
However, I liked this game, and liked it a lot.
The Zelda legacy, unlike the Final Fantasy line, focuses more on gameplay than
on anything else. Again, Zelda 2's controls are great. I'm not sure if
Miyamoto was involved in this game (I'm thinking yes), but the control design
is great.
Zelda 2 had better graphics than the original Zelda. Th side scrolling graphics
were crisp and pretty good for Nintendo.
The classic Zelda music returns, and some new tunes were unveiled. The music
overall, is not as good as the original Zelda. This music wasn't as atmospheric
or enchanting as the original Zelda.
This storyline is even simpler than the original Zelda storyline: return the
magic crystals to their palaces and fight Ganon, who has come back from the
dead. Okay, but as always, Zelda focuses more on action than story.
I enjoyed this game very, very much. There were those that said that this
game was a disappointment to all Zelda fans, however, I must disagree. The
combination of solid controls, respectable graphics, and fun gameplay really
made this title fun, but not as fun as the original.
The Bottom Line: A great action RPG that captured the essence of Zelda 1.